Pros And Cons of Installing Your Own Solar Power System: An Enlightening Guide for 2024

Joe Brennan
Jul 15, 2023

Are you contemplating harnessing the sun's energy by installing your own solar power system? While the lure of independence and potential cost savings is compelling, it's vital to understand the pros and cons of installing your own solar power system. Let's navigate the exciting world of solar energy with Going Solar, your trusted guide.

Solar power has risen in popularity due to its environmental benefits and potential to reduce energy costs. This sustainable energy source has become more accessible as technological advances have reduced the cost of solar panels and installation.

Pros of Installing Your Own Solar Power System

Installing your own solar power system can come with several benefits. Let's shed light on some of these advantages.

Independence from the Grid

Energy independence is one of the main draws of installing your own solar power system. This gives you control over your own energy supply and reduces reliance on your local utility provider.

Potential Cost Savings

With the ability to generate your own electricity, you can significantly reduce your utility bills. Plus, excess power generated can be sold back to the grid in some areas, earning you money.

Environmental Impact

The shift to solar power significantly reduces carbon emissions, making it a greener and more sustainable energy source than fossil fuels.

Incentives and Tax Credits

Numerous government incentives and tax credits are available for homeowners who install solar panels. These can significantly reduce the cost of your solar power system and increase your return on investment.

Increase in Property Value

Homes with solar power systems often have a higher property value than those without. Solar panels provide a substantial return on investment if you plan to sell your house.

Energy Production Tracking

Modern solar power systems come with monitoring software that allows you to track your system's energy production in real-time. This can provide valuable insights into your energy usage and efficiency.

The Cons of Installing Your Own Solar Power System

While there are considerable benefits to installing your own solar power system, there are also downsides to consider.

Initial Investment Costs

The upfront costs of solar panels and installation can be significant, and while these may be offset by future savings, they can still be a hurdle for many homeowners.

Maintenance and Repair

Solar panels require minimal maintenance, but when issues do arise, addressing them can be complicated and potentially costly if you're managing the system yourself.

Variability of Solar Power

Solar power relies on sunlight, which means energy production can be less predictable, especially in areas with less sunlight or during certain seasons.

Time Commitment

Installing a solar power system can be complex, requiring a significant amount of time, especially if you're doing it yourself. This includes time for research, purchasing equipment, obtaining permits, and installation.

Potential Roof Damage

Improper installation of solar panels can lead to roof damage, which might result in expensive repairs. This risk is higher when homeowners install the panels themselves without professional help.


While some people like the look of solar panels, others may find them less aesthetically pleasing. This can be a con for homeowners concerned about their home's curb appeal.

Remember, the pros and cons of installing your own solar power system can vary depending on your personal situation and the specific circumstances of your home. That's why it's crucial to consult with experts like Going Solar to make an informed decision.

Making the Decision: Is Solar Right for You?

Whether or not you should install your own solar power system depends on various factors, including your budget, location, and energy needs. It's important to consider the pros and cons carefully.

Navigating the Solar Energy Market

Understanding the solar energy market and the available options can help you make an informed decision. You must explore various solar panel types, inverter technologies, and installation methods.

Considering Professional Installation

While installing your own solar power system is an option, many homeowners choose professional installation. This can provide additional peace of mind and ensure the system is installed safely and correctly.

Final Thoughts

While installing your own solar power system can come with many benefits, it's crucial to understand the potential downsides and challenges. With Going Solar, you can benefit from professional guidance and installation services to help you make the most of your investment. Don't leave your energy future to chance, reach out to Going Solar today to discuss the pros and cons of installing your own solar power system.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much can I save by installing my own solar power system?

The amount you can save by installing your own solar power system depends on several factors, including the cost of electricity in your area, the size and angle of your roof, and the amount of sunlight your home receives. However, homeowners often save between 70% to 100% on their electricity bills, potentially saving thousands of pounds over the system's life.

What types of maintenance do solar power systems require?

Solar power systems require minimal maintenance. Mainly, you need to keep the panels clean and free from debris. Over time, you might need to replace the inverter or batteries if your system has a storage component. It's recommended to have a professional inspection every few years to ensure your system is working efficiently.

Are grants or subsidies available to offset the cost of solar panel installation?

Yes, various grants and subsidies are available to homeowners looking to install solar panels. There are also feed-in tariffs, where you get paid for the excess energy you feed into the grid.

What factors should I consider when choosing a solar power system?

When choosing a solar power system, consider the size of the system you'll need, the type of solar panels and inverters, and the potential installation challenges your home might present. It's also important to consider the manufacturer's reputation and the warranty offered on the equipment.

How long does it typically take to install a solar power system?

The time it takes to install a solar power system can vary. The physical installation of the panels usually takes a few days, but the complete process, including site assessment, obtaining permits, and system design, can take several weeks.

Can I store excess energy for later use with a solar power system?

Yes, you can store excess energy using battery storage systems. These batteries allow you to save the surplus electricity generated during sunny periods and use it during times when sunlight is limited, such as at night or on cloudy days. Battery technology for solar systems has advanced, making it a viable option for maximising self-consumption and energy independence.

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*FYI, parts of this blog post were drafted by artificial technlogy. But rest assured, it's been thoroughly researched, edited, reviewed and me & my team.
Author Fahad Zahid
Founder @ Going Solar

Joe Brennan, the founder of Going Solar, is dedicated to making solar power mainstream in Ireland and meet SEAI objectives. With a focus on affordability and sustainability, he is bringing renewable energy solutions to homes, reducing costs & environmental impact.