Professional Solar PV Panels Installation in Longford

Frustrated with rising energy costs and looking for a sustainable solution? Going Solar provides expert installation of Solar PV Panels in Longford. 

Get our eco-friendly, efficient solutions to power your home or business. Contact us now for quick installation or fill out our form for a personalised quote.


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Our Solar PV Installations in your area

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What Are the Benefits of Installing Solar PV Panels in Longford?

People are switching towards renewable energy, with solar PV panels in Longford. Getting solar power not only contributes to a greener planet but also offers significant benefits for homeowners and businesses.

Cost Savings on Energy Bills

One of the most immediate benefits of installing Solar PV Panels in Longford is the significant reduction in monthly energy bills. Solar power can offset a substantial portion of your electricity needs, leading to considerable savings over time.

Increase in Property Value

Properties in Longford equipped with solar PV systems often see an increase in their market value. This investment not only pays for itself over time but also makes your property more attractive to potential buyers.

Reduction in Carbon Footprint

By choosing solar PV panels, Longford residents contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future. Solar energy is green, renewable, and helps reduce your carbon footprint, aligning with global efforts to combat climate change.

Energy Independence

Solar PV panels empower Longford homeowners with energy independence. By generating your own electricity, you're less reliant on the grid and protected against rising energy costs.

Government Incentives and Schemes

In Longford, installing solar PV panels can offer benefits from various government incentives, grants, and schemes designed to encourage the adoption of renewable energy. These incentives can further offset the initial installation costs and enhance the financial viability of going solar.

Start Your Solar Journey Today

Request a Quote

Fill out a simple form with your details and energy needs. We’ll get back to you within 24 hours with a customised quote for your solar panel installation.

Schedule a Site Survey.

Once you accept the quote, we’ll come to your place and find the best spot and design for your solar system. We’ll also sort out any permissions or grants for you.

Seamless Installation.

Our skilled installers will install your solar panels and connect them to the grid. You can start producing your own green energy and saving on your bills.

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Installs Across Ireland

What Makes Our Solar Panel Solutions Stand Out in Longford?

At Going Solar, we're committed to providing top-quality solar panel solutions in Longford. Our focus is on delivering quality, efficiency, and excellence in service to ensure that your transition to solar energy is smooth and convenient.

Customised Solar Solutions

Every property in Longford is unique, which is why we offer custom solar panel solutions. We assess your specific energy needs and property layout to design a system that maximises efficiency and return on investment.

Advanced Technology

We utilise the latest in solar technology to ensure our Solar PV Panels in Longford are not only efficient but also durable. Our panels are designed to withstand the local climate, providing reliable energy generation year-round.

Expert Installation Team

Our team of skilled Solar Panel Installers in Longford is experienced. With years of experience and a passion for renewable energy, they ensure your solar PV system is installed to the highest standards.

Comprehensive Aftercare and Support

Going Solar is renowned for our aftercare and support in Longford. From the initial consultation to post-installation checks, we're with you every step of the way to ensure your solar PV system continues to perform optimally.

Competitive Pricing

We believe that solar energy should be accessible to everyone. That's why we offer competitive pricing on our solar PV installations in Longford, ensuring you get the best value without compromising on quality.

Commercial Grants

How Do We Install Solar PV Panels in Longford?

With Going Solar, starting your solar installation in Longford is a straightforward and easy process. We ensure that your solar power installation is hassle-free and beneficial for you. Here’s how we make it happen:

Initial Consultation and Site Assessment

Our first step involves understanding your energy needs and assessing your property's suitability for solar panel installation. Our team will visit your site in Longford to evaluate factors such as roof space, orientation, and any shading issues that might affect the solar PV panels' performance.

Tailored Solar PV System Design

Based on the initial assessment, our expert team will design a Solar PV system that maximises your energy production and savings. We consider your energy needs and the specifics of your Longford property to ensure the best fit.

Transparent Quotation and Financing Guidance

We provide a detailed quotation that outlines all costs associated with installing solar PV in Longford. Our team will also guide you through the available financing options to make your solar investment more manageable.

Professional Installation by Certified Solar Panel Installers

Our certified solar panel installers in Longford will ensure your system is installed to the highest standards. We focus on safety, efficiency, and aesthetics, ensuring minimal disruption to your daily life.

Aftercare and Ongoing Support

Once your solar PV system is up and running, we offer comprehensive aftercare and support. Our team is always available to answer any questions and provide maintenance tips to keep your system in top condition.

What We Do

Upto €2,100 SEAI Grant For Irish Homeowners

Plus, the VAT rate has recently been cut from solar panels to 0%, making it a great time to buy!


What Financing Options Are Available for Solar Panel Installation in Longford?

Investing in solar PV panels in Longford is made easier with our range of financing options designed to suit different budgets and financial situations.

Government Incentives and Grants

The Longford government offers grants up to €2,100 to help offset the cost of installing solar PV panels. These incentives are designed to make solar more accessible and affordable for homeowners.

Flexible Payment Plans

We offer flexible payment plans that allow you to spread the cost of your solar PV system over time. This makes going solar more accessible and manageable for our Longford customers.

Solar Loans

Our solar loans allow you to finance your system over a period of 5 to 10 years, with competitive interest rates. This option lets you enjoy the benefits of solar with manageable monthly payments.

Lease Agreements

Opt for a solar lease and avoid upfront costs. You'll pay a fixed monthly fee for using the solar system, which is often less than your current electricity bill. Lease terms typically range from 10 to 20 years.

Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)

A PPA allows you to purchase the power generated by the solar PV panels at a fixed rate, which is often lower than the local utility price. This option eliminates the need for upfront investment and maintenance responsibilities.

We Pick The Best Products For Solar Installations

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Award-Winning Going Solar's ISO 9001 Certification

At Going Solar, our ISO 9001 certification reflects our pursuit of excellence and high-quality service.
Awarded by NQA and accredited by UKAS Management Systems, we consistently meet rigorous global benchmarks, guaranteeing outstanding results. We uphold superior international standards, ensuring excellence in every project.

Get Expert Installation of Solar PV Panels in Longford Today!

Get Expert Installation of Solar PV Panels in Longford Today!

Going Solar has made switching to Solar PV Panels in Longford easier and hassle-free. With Going Solar, you're choosing a sustainable future while saving on your energy bills. 

Our dedicated team is always ready to provide their services. We offer reliable, customised and convenient solar installation for your home or businesses.

Whether it's an inquiry or the need for an urgent installation, our team is ready to assist you. Fill out our contact form and expect a response within 2-4 hours. For immediate assistance, give us a call.

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