What Are The Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities for Solar Energy in 2024?

Joe Brennan
Aug 19, 2024

Looking for recent trends, challenges and opportunities in solar energy in 2024? In 2024, solar energy is making headlines as one of the most promising solutions to fight climate change. With advancements in technology and increasing government support, solar energy is becoming more accessible and efficient than ever before. 

This year, we’re seeing significant growth in solar installations across the globe, driven by the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions and transition to cleaner energy sources. As solar energy becomes a critical part of our global energy mix, it’s clear that it will play a pivotal role in shaping a sustainable future.

In this blog, we will help to discover the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the solar energy landscape of 2024. 

Let's get into the trends, challenges, and opportunities that lie ahead in the solar energy in 2024.

What Are the Key Trends Shaping Solar Energy in 2024?

In 2024, the solar energy landscape is being shaped by several key trends that are driving the industry forward.

These trends are making solar power more accessible, efficient, and integrated into our daily lives, positioning it as a crucial component of the global energy transition.

Technological advancements

Technological innovation continues to be a major driver in the solar industry. Advances in photovoltaic (PV) technology, such as the development of perovskite solar cells, are improving the efficiency and affordability of solar panels. 

Perovskite cells are particularly noteworthy because they offer higher efficiency rates at a lower cost compared to traditional silicon cells, making solar energy more accessible to a broader market. 

Policy and regulatory support

Government policies and regulations are playing a significant role in accelerating the adoption of solar energy. In 2024, many countries are implementing favourable policies, such as tax credits and renewable energy mandates, to encourage investment in solar projects. 

Increased adoption across sectors

The adoption of solar energy is expanding rapidly across various sectors, including residential, commercial, and industrial markets. In the commercial and industrial sectors, companies are increasingly turning to solar power to meet sustainability goals and reduce energy costs. 

Decentralisation and microgrids

Another significant trend in 2024 is the move towards decentralised energy systems and microgrids. These systems allow communities and businesses to generate, store, and manage their own solar power, reducing their reliance on centralised energy grids. 

As these trends continue to evolve, they are setting the stage for a transformative year in solar energy.

What Challenges Does the Solar Industry Face in 2024?

The solar industry, while growing rapidly, is not without its challenges in 2024. These challenges stem from various factors, including economic, technological, and geopolitical issues.

Understanding these challenges is crucial for stakeholders looking to understand the solar energy successfully.

Supply chain disruptions

One of the most pressing challenges the solar industry faces this year is supply chain disruptions. The global supply chain has been under strain due to a combination of geopolitical tensions, trade restrictions, and the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

These disruptions have led to shortages of key materials like polysilicon, which is essential for manufacturing solar panels. As a result, production delays and increased costs are becoming more common, making it difficult for companies to meet the growing demand for solar energy.

Intermittency and energy storage

Solar power generation is inherently intermittent, as it relies on sunlight, which is not available 24/7. This intermittency poses a significant challenge for ensuring a stable and reliable power supply.

While advancements in battery storage technology are helping to reduce this issue, the cost of these systems remains high.

Infrastructure and grid integration

Integrating solar power into existing energy grids presents another major challenge. Many energy grids were designed primarily for traditional energy sources like coal and natural gas, which provide a steady flow of electricity. 

Solar energy, on the other hand, can be unpredictable and requires significant grid upgrades to handle the fluctuations in power generation. These upgrades are often expensive and time-consuming, posing a barrier to the widespread adoption of solar energy.

Economic viability

The economic viability of solar energy is also a concern in 2024. While the cost of solar technology has decreased significantly over the years, the economic pressure on manufacturers and installers is mounting. 

Policy and regulatory uncertainty

Lastly, policy and regulatory uncertainty continue to be a challenge for the solar industry. While many governments have introduced favourable policies to promote solar energy, these policies can change with shifting political landscapes. .

As we explore the opportunities and strategies for overcoming these challenges, it becomes clear that innovation, collaboration, and supportive policies are key to unlocking the full potential of solar energy in 2024 and beyond.

What Opportunities Exist for Growth in the Solar Industry?

The solar industry is poised for substantial growth in 2024, with several key opportunities emerging across different sectors. These opportunities are driven by technological advancements, market expansion, and the increasing demand for clean energy solutions.

Here’s a closer look at where the growth potential lies.

Expanding solar markets in emerging economies

Emerging markets present a significant growth opportunity for the solar industry. As the cost of solar technology continues to decrease, it becomes a more accessible option for countries with developing energy infrastructures. 

Innovations in solar energy storage

Energy storage is a critical component of the solar industry’s future growth. As more solar power is generated, the need for effective storage solutions becomes increasingly important. 

Innovations in battery technology and other storage systems are paving the way for more widespread adoption of solar energy by addressing the challenge of storing excess power for use during non-sunny periods. Companies that focus on developing and improving these storage solutions will be well-positioned to capitalise on the growing demand for reliable, round-the-clock solar power.

With these opportunities in mind, it's clear that the solar industry is on the cusp of a major expansion. 


In 2024, the solar energy industry is experiencing rapid growth, driven by technological advancements, expanding markets, and increasing demand for clean energy. However, challenges like supply chain disruptions and energy storage issues persist. Despite these hurdles, the opportunities for growth—particularly in emerging markets, renewable energy integration, etc are vast. 

Want to utilise the power of solar energy? Contact Going Solar today to explore how our services can meet your energy needs and help you join the renewable energy revolution!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key solar energy trends to watch for in 2024?

In 2024, significant trends include advances in photovoltaic technology, increased efficiency in solar panels, greater adoption of solar energy storage solutions, and the expansion of community solar projects to increase accessibility.

What challenges are facing the solar energy industry in 2024?

Challenges include managing supply chain disruptions, overcoming regulatory and policy hurdles, and the need for improved battery storage technologies to enhance solar system efficiency during low sunlight periods.

How are solar energy opportunities evolving in 2024?

Opportunities in 2024 are expanding through innovative financing options, partnerships that enhance grid resilience, and the development of technologies that reduce installation costs and improve the integration of solar with other renewable sources.

What impact do government policies have on solar energy development in 2024?

Government policies play a crucial role in shaping the solar energy landscape by providing subsidies, tax incentives, and supportive regulatory frameworks that encourage investment and adoption at both residential and commercial levels.

How is technology improving the efficiency of solar panels in 2024?

Technological advancements in 2024 include the development of bifacial solar panels that capture sunlight on both sides and the use of perovskite materials that offer higher efficiency rates at lower manufacturing costs.

How is solar energy storage technology advancing in 2024?

Advances in solar energy storage in 2024 focus on lithium-ion batteries with longer life spans and lower costs, along with exploring alternative technologies like flow batteries for larger scale storage solutions.

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*FYI, parts of this blog post were drafted by artificial technlogy. But rest assured, it's been thoroughly researched, edited, reviewed and me & my team.
Author Fahad Zahid
Founder @ Going Solar

Joe Brennan, the founder of Going Solar, is dedicated to making solar power mainstream in Ireland and meet SEAI objectives. With a focus on affordability and sustainability, he is bringing renewable energy solutions to homes, reducing costs & environmental impact.